Monday, January 19, 2009

On My Way Back...

I got my phone call from the gym today that they were re-instating my membership effective February first, but I could start back today if I wanted to...if you know me you know I've been anxious to get back. I got into my gym clothes, nursed the baby and headed out the door. I decided to take it slow, since I haven't been to the gym since mid-June when I fell. I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes on the Forestwalk program at a maximum speed of 4.0 mph and a maximum incline of 3.0. I walked for 2.75 miles today - it leaves lots of room for improvement. I can feel in my muscles that I did something - and to think I used to do between 4-6 miles 6 days a week without feeling much except for when I was pushing myself at the gym. I'm planning to do the Les Mills Body Flow class on Friday in addition to about 30 minutes of cardio. I'm going to switch things up as much as I can, so my body doesn't get used to my workout too quickly. Weight training will be done with my friend, Melissa on alternate days. My plan is to do cardio six days a week again, but having a newborn I may have to be more flexible. I'm not planning on leaving her in the childcare room at the gym until she is a year old - too many germs.

Now for the yucky stuff... measurements - having a baby did a number on my body this time. At seven weeks post-partum I still can't fit into any of my clothing. With my first child almost 9 years ago I was back into my pre-pregnancy clothes two weeks post-partum. With my son almost 3 years later it took a little longer, but I know it happened before my 6 week check-up - but I still had about 15 pounds to lose to get back to my normal weight. This time its a whole new ball game. I have weight and inches to lose... I'm just going to deal with inches because that is what really matters most...

I felt really good after coming home from the gym and I didn't even want the snacks that I made yesterday because I didn't want to counteract my exercise.

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