Friday, September 26, 2008

How to Help a Sick Friend

Often times when a friend is suffering we are at a loss when it comes to helping them. We can get stuck between not knowing what to do to not wanting to interfere during their time of sickness or grief. I think there are many ways we can help friends in need. I never thought too much about specific ways to help until I was put on bed rest for two weeks during this pregnancy. The one thing I realized is that pride can get in the way of the person who is hurting. When friends would ask what they could do I would say everything was under control even though I had needs. I didn't want to burden anyone. One thing you can do is just do it - it being whatever is laid on your heart for your friend or family member as long as you aren't requiring anything of them. For instance if you know their grass needs cut or their driveway needs shoveled just bring your equipment and do it. I made a list here with other things you can do.

I received an email from care pages listing 27 ways to comfort a sick friend and you can find the info here.

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